As a busy bee, I work on a series of projects in the musical, socio-cultural sector.

In this website you'll find an overview of the different roles I’ve taken on over the years

and what I can offer to new collaborators!

featured projects


providing individualised strategical solutions for cultural organisations 


designing together your personnalised support for your structure!


catering a shared calendar for events in Brussels


in the news

Dans Podcast+ de BX1 avec Camille Loiseau

- sur She They Sounds, de la place des personnes FINTA dans le secteur musical à Bruxelles

In KET Magazine

- on being a local activist for queer and FINTA people in events, music, and on social change.

Avec Gouinement Lundi - Bizarre Festival, Paris

- sur le secteur musical à Bruxelles, #MusicTooBelgium, Femme Jam, la mixité choisie, les outils pour le changement.

Avec FACIR - Episode 01 Saison 02 - La place des artistes FINTA

- Intervention croisée sur les inégalités de genre, avec artistes et programmateurices.

Avec FACIR x Radio Vacarme - E04S01 - Aftershow

- sur la santé mentale des personnes FINTA musicien·nes 

Sur Radio Esperanzah! 2022

- sur être torse nu·e dans les espaces festifs

et naturels à Bruxelles




with PLAN SACHA on sexual and sexist violence in the festive sector in Belgium (FR & EN). 

Advisory Board on SSV


Member of the committee in charge of handling internal affairs related to any cases of sexual, sexist, or any other types of violence (SSV). 


La Nouvelle Onde

Selected as one of the 30 under 30 by La Nouvelle Onde, a French programme that highlights inspiring changemakers of the music industry

embracing the network

everything queer, feminist, concerts, parties, musical performances, protests, art shows, everything organised by the community around me is published here since November 2021.


"Bi as in fuck the binary".

Trainer, strategist and project manager, this bi queer, feminist and music lover has been working in the music and cultural sector since 2012. Lyne creates bridges between players who want to develop better professional practices and those who campaign for the rights of all. You'll find her in Brussels taking notes at all the events touching on gender, discrimination and safety issues in the music sector.